The Caffeine Junkie and Her Escapades

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecc 12:13

Archive for schoolschemoo

Episode 208: this old man he played three…

three zero.
another 2 [three zeros].
sighs (and signs please?).

four zero.
four zero days to Ascension Day.
four zero days to being two two

six five zero zero.
by friday.

Episode 207: i wish school was fun


why, what big cheeks and teeth you both have. all the more to have frawress appearance, miss ah beng.

going home today in gayboy’s car was quite saddening. in his attempt to lower my grades, he’s decided to go matchmaking for me so as to distract me from studying.

*usual bantering* and then…

me: aiyah i got very short term attention span, like i cannot imagine spending 50 years with the same person, i think i’d die of boredom

gayboy: you know why, (and in a really serious tone) you love yourself too much. until you cannot love another person the same way you enjoy your own company.


and then we went to buy toilet paper.

aiyoh. the Bible says to love your neighbour as yourself. i try la, huh? *whimpers*

Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart

Episode 205: i like the word ponder, it rolls off the tongue very nicely

having been distracted (with a capital D, bold and underlined some more) for the past few days, i decided to take a break and not squat in smcland after minorities lecture but return home.

In the presence of a Holy God
There’s new meaning now to Grace
You took all my sins upon yourself
I can only stand amazed

In lieu of my parents being away at church for some church stuff which i managed to wiggle my way out of, it was a quiet evening. the perfect conditions for pondering, thinking, reflecting. and not doing QT in the methodical way I’m used to on most days, but just be silent. silence is a wonderful thing you know. you’d have to be very comfortable with someone, in order to be able to enjoy the silences.

In the presence of Your infinite might
I’m so small and frail and weak
When I see your power and wisdom Lord,
I have no words left to speak

and the picture used in the blog’s header captures it perfectly. the setting sun over a tranquil river, with just that small breeze enveloping you. and all you can do is look at it and think, wow, the God who sculpted such a beautiful world, is my Daddy.

i think i’ve come that teensy bit closer to understanding what John Piper meant when he said “God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in Him” (or something to that extent la).

the amount of decisions i’ve to make within the next few weeks boggles my mind. it scares me sometimes, just thinking how the next phase of life maps out, is dependent on decisions that have to be made, now. and i’m scared to do it alone. eeps.

In the power of Your glory
All my crowns lie in the dust
You are righteous in Your judgements Lord
You are faithful, true and just

but in the midst of all the washing machine thoughts, God just calls me to stop. and reflect upon His goodness and faithfulness. Something I’ll never really understand, although I’ll never give up trying!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4: 6-7)

and in that pause of two hours, struggle gave way to peace. ๐Ÿ™‚

And I cry Holy, Holy, Holy God
How awesome is Your name
Holy, Holy, Holy God
How majestic is Your reign
And I am changed, in the presence of a Holy God

Episode 204: CARTWHEELS

wheee! pink and sparkly the whole world is! today, i believe in serendipity ๐Ÿ™‚

*fan girl mode*

while waiting for dr L’s class to start, where the junichiro-lookalike was taking mega long time to come out, i decided to go top up some water.





as usual i was day dreaming so i walked by without looking around…and then

mr hot guy: hey

me: (fan girl emotions gushing out but pretending everything is under control) hey, how come you’re here?

mr so super hot and cute guy: (ok this is abit adulterated conversation cuz i was so enthralled i didn’t pay attn) oh cuz i’m here to film some mythandlegend thing blahblahblah interview blahblahblah…do you know him?

me: (vague nodding and trying not to scare him with all the grinning cuz he is SO CUTE UP CLOSE) oh have you been going to C.O.R [as in, church] lately?

mr ultramegacute guy: nope cuz i’ve been busy lately blahblahblah (of course at this point in time i’ve lost all semblance of sanity and the whole world is fuzzy and pink and cottoncandyish and full of marshmallows)

me: hmmm i think i’ve got to make a move now, i’ve got class (all is gloom and doom in the world)

mutual exchanging of plesantries and tries not to lose composure too much while walking back to tut room.

the world is bright and shiny



ten thousand marshmallows to one and all! tralalalalalllalala

now i’ve been plagued with silly-grin-and-cant-control-it-itis in SMCland….


i don’t care


wish i wore a cuter outfit tho


Episode 203: a city built on rock and roll is structurally unsound

In an attempt to kill my boredom from writing a gazillion essays, I’ve decided to be cool.

yeah man.

the conclusion on my white paper for education in post-colonial indonesia has a line from the song “I Don’t Want to Be” by Gavin Degraw. and that is Part of where I’m going, is knowing where I’m coming from”

i am getting this major kick knowing that my White paper on education has a line from a rock song. ok la fine, cool in a nerdy way. BUT STILL COOL OK. bahasa indonesia and rock music. who woulda thought? although I hope dr L doesn’t know this song. highly unlikely anyhows

when i grow up and finally learn how to play a guitar, i am going to be a headbanger and play this. yeah mummy, your daughter has big dreams.

I don’t want to be
Anything other than what I’ve been trying to be lately
All I have to do
Is think of me and I have peace of mind
I’m tired of looking ’round rooms
Wondering what I’ve got to do
Or who I’m supposed to be
I don’t want to be anything other than me

now, back to being Minister for Education and Culture in independent Indonesia. Pancasila! rah rah rah!

Episode 202: urk

que sera sera
whatever will be, will be
the future’s not us to see
que sera sera

stop obsessing already.

Episode 201: multiple viewing points

when mizziechua talked about “looking in the grass” today and checking out your reflection (hey, good-looking! daisy looks as good as buttercup today i say!) it reminded me of that silly Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes bit about Snow White…

Now every day, week in week out,
The spoiled and stupid Queen would shout
‘Oh Mirror Mirror on the wall,
‘Who is the fairest of them all?’
The Mirror answered every time,
‘Oh Madam, you’re the Queen sublime.
‘You are the only one to charm us,
‘Queen, you are the cat’s pyjamas.’
For ten whole years the silly Queen
Repeated this absurd routine.
Then suddenly, one awful day,
She heard the Magic Mirror say,
‘From now on, Queen, you’re Number Two.
Snow-White is prettier than you!’
The Queen went absolutely wild.
She yelled, ‘I’m going to scrag that child!’



doing the left-handers project has taught me much about the positionality of the researcher whilst doing geographical research.

if you’re a girl researching on NS spaces of danger for lefties, be prepared for larger than life accounts. after consulting less biased sources and even going to a *gasp* weapons website, i can only conclude, mucho heroissimo.

HAHA. or to be more accurate…SARSAR. ๐Ÿ˜€

Episode 198: hey, how’s it going, eh?

R called me for one shiny hour! all the way from shiny kingston in shiny canada! WHEE! *cartwheels* it felt like secondary school again (cue: drink ribena), when we used to talk on the phone, before the advent of msn and sms.


meanwhile, I believe there are pluses and minuses to being in smcland.

minus: you get rheumatism in the absolute coldness of it all. i swear my ankles and knees were dying on me.

plus: your braincells get cyrogenically preserved, so they can thaw in time for the mountain of exams.


time is the best test for attrition. some how mummy’s counsel is always tres good. ๐Ÿ™‚


since iTunes always takes ten thousand years to load up, i’ve not listened to mine much. but for some reason, military history in indonesia demanded that i listened to itunes while reading, so i did. and the rent soundtrack came up. whee ๐Ÿ™‚

“Forget regret, or life is yours to miss” — Life Support, Rent

Episode 196: ‘l&v (hehe, i love f&-‘nรค-l&-jE!)

today in the midst of an interview i realised that a commitment to a dream is 8 years long. and i balked and cowered in fear.

today in the middle of reading about the Treaty of Angkor and the Treaty of Bangkok (aptly in SMC-land), i realised i had stopped being a sentient being. a long, long time ago. and i balked and stumbled around.

God, I want to be a sentient being. Please?

Pack up all the things that you don't deserve
Take another swing: Here comes a curve ball
I bet you can't hit it cause you'll swing to soon 

five for fighting.

eta: if i read the word mandala one more time, i am going to poke my eyeballs.

Episode 195: idle idol

ok it is terrible that I am blogging. i really should be writing that silly book review. and since i’ve nyehnyehnyeh about this stupid book review to so many people, i think it deserves some redemption. It is a really good book, in its defence. You can read it for free, here. It really makes one reflect on what does it mean to be a Christian, and about religious syncretism in general. Hearing about the work of the Salvation Army in these ulu-fied highlands just make me go WOW. I guess this shall fulfill my guilt quota of reading at least fiveChristian books a year. Three down, to more two hunt for (and it is only March, good on me!)

anyway, that is not the point! the point is, because I was so bored with the stupid book review (ok, stop obsessing over it already!) I went to watch americanidol. huphuphuzzah! right smack in all its frivolity, this guy sang ‘time after time‘. and the head goes back to the time after time. after time after time. after stupid time. sigh.

the lyrics are the big cheese of cheesy lyrics. but fab all the same.

Sometimes you picture me
I'm walking too far ahead
You're calling to me, I can't hear
What you've said
Then you say, "go slow"
I fall behind

Maybe developing supersonic ears would have had been a good idea in the end. pffbt.